Saturday, June 6, 2009

i went outside for a walk, and to drink my gin
i see the block is festering with everybody's sin
by the curb hoods are kickin' it; they're up to no good
on the corner heads is pickin' up girls who dress lewd
there's no surprise in my eyes. i see it every day
but there's a pie in the sky saying find a better way
is it impossible now? have the ways run too deep?
to turn around how the people here all fell asleep
like lost sheep now forgotten their moral decline
was on a steep slope so rotten it abhorred the divine
i can't look at myself because i know i'm no better
than their debt or their lead or the dead trend setter
who killed heads in their beds and then wrote a letter
before he killed himself too sayin that he'd get their
hides again in hell, not locked up in a cell
so sound the church bell cus it's time to say farewell
to michelle, miguel, darnell, and isabelle

blood and justice it just is what is
called for when shit gets too fucked up this
world constructed a court inducted
to service our love for blood and justice

if we say the streets are dirty we're obliged to look up
at the heights of floor thirty where they're cookin up
plans to wipe their hands of the blood that we shed
to save their cred and name brands like lovers unwed
face the dread of some discovering their baby now dead
we all know they're the mothers of the plots to our end
they pay the bills that they give us and pretend to be our friends
but they kill the ones who live up to higher ideals
who reveal that our meals are wriggling with eels
there to shock us if we trigger any thoughts of escape
hounds on our heels as we run for freedom and fate
i gotta get out of here before my soul gets raped

blood and justice it just is what is
called for when shit gets too fucked up this
world constructed a court inducted
to service our love for blood and justice



Blogger d.j.z. said...

June 29th. I gotta get in shape Too much sitting has ruined my body, too much abuse has gone on too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning,m 50 pullups. there will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight.

June 6, 2009 at 1:49 PM  
Blogger Maurice said...

Now I see this clearly. My whole life is pointed in one direction. There never has been a choice for me.

June 7, 2009 at 11:39 AM  

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